So. Got it. You've become a Trump supporter.

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When MAGA rhetoric and murderous intent is escalating, when unity under the auspices of decency is indicated, necessary, now you choose to entrench yourself behind a line?

Save democracy and THEN...

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I want to thank you for your leadership on this matter and enlightening the rest of us on the state of the Democratic Party. It is alarming and disgusting and not democratic at all.

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Tom: I applaud you sticking to your guns with respect to your opinions on both ongoing military aid to Israel and the Administration's current stance on immigration as well as deportations. I get the underlying motivations and humanitarian thinking. That said, throwing your support to some third-party candidate does virtually nothing and, in theory anyway, simply provides fodder to the GOP, a result that I could never support or envision given the horrendous party it has become and no level of "hypocrisy" by the DNC and Administration at the moment comes remotely close to that which has underlay much of the worst of the GOP....its no where near as close....but no third party candidate has any chance of barring a GOP candidate from making it to the White House. Simply won't happen. Additionally, it is abundantly clear to me, anyway, that as sad as it is the policy with respect to Israel as well as immigration is one, at least in part, of political expediency in light of this year's Presidential and Congressional elections. As you undoubtedly know, politics does have a way of altering what one might otherwise really hope to do in light of the political reality faced by the decision maker(s).

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For months now, I’ve withheld thousands of $ in donations to all candidates with the express message: No CEASEFIRE, no donation!!! I’m livid that not one person or candidate has responded. And yes, I’m TERRIFIED about Trump. But I will move out of this country and not look back. Except in disgust.

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